Baking soda is a gardener’s best friend: here are 10 clever garden uses.

1. Natural fungicide: Mix baking soda with water and liquid soap to spray plants and fight fungal diseases such as powder

2. Weed killer: Apply baking soda directly to garden weeds to kill them without harming plants

3. Pest deterrent: A mixture of baking soda and flour can deter pests like cabbage worms and fleas when dusted on plants

4. Soil Amendment: Baking soda can be used to neutralize over-acid soil, improving the environment for plant growth.

5. Tomato Sweetener: Sprinkle baking soda around tomato plants to reduce soil acidity, resulting in more tomatoes

6. Compost Enhancer: Speed up the composting process by making the environment more alkaline with baking soda.

7. Absorbeur d’odeurs : Neutralisez les odeurs dans des zones comme les bacs à compost en saupoudrant de bicarbonate de sou

8. Tool Cleaner: Clean garden tools by scrubbing them with baking soda paste to remove dirt and rust.

9. Seed germination: Improve seed germination by soaking seeds in a baking soda solution before planting

10. Ant repellent: Determine ants by creating barriers with baking soda around plants or trails

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