What You Need:
Speaking about Muffins:
Oat flakes (120 grams) (3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon)
5/6 cup of heated milk, or 200 milliliters
two eggs
two fully mature bananas
The ezoic
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence or vanillin
Forty grams (about half a cup) of bitter cocoa
1.5 milligrams of baking soda
The ezoic
Chopped walnuts, if desired, a handful
Choco chips (amount varies)
Regarding the Crown:
Melt one hundred grams of chocolate (half a cup plus two tablespoons).
The ezoic
40 milliliters (3 tablespoons) of hot milk, to be combined with melted chocolate.
Detailed Directions
First, Gather All Necessary Ingredients.
Get the oven ready: Begin by bringing the oven temperature up to 180°C (350°F). Put some mild grease or muffin liners in a muffin pan and have it ready to go.
Get the oats ready : Put the oat flakes and the heated milk into a mixing dish. The oats will soften if you let it rest for about 10 minutes.
The ezoic
The Second Step: Mix the Muffin Mixture
To make a smooth puree, place ripe bananas in a separate dish and mash them with a fork. Because of this, the muffins will be more moist and delicious.