Eggplant Pizzas

1 eggplant, sliced into 1/4 inch thin rounds
1 bag whole milk low moisture mozzarella
1 jar good marinara sauce
1 cup sliced pepperoni
Olive oil, for drizzling
Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper, to taste
Fresh basil, for serving

Preheat the oven to 450 ºF and prepare a parchment-lined sheet tray.
Lighly salt sliced eggplant arranged on sheet tray and let sit for 5 minutes. Brush off excess moisture with a piece of paper towel.
Drizzle eggplant with olive oil and season with black pepper. Bake for 12 minutes or until the tops of the eggplant start to brown. Flip slices over and cook for 5 additional minutes. Remove from oven to assembly pizzas.
Dollop each eggplant slice with a tablespoon of sauce, then top with cheese and pepperoni slices. *optional* use a tiny biscuit ring mold to cut the pepperoni into mini slices for a cute end result.
Bake pizzas for 5 – 7 minutes or until cheese is golden brown. Remove from oven and garnish with fresh basil. Let sit for 5 minutes and enjoy!

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